
Cluster analysis itself is not one specific algorithm, but the general task to be solved. It can be achieved by various algorithms that differ significantly in their understanding of what constitutes a cluster and how to efficiently find them. Popular notions of clusters include groups with small distances between cluster members, dense areas of the data space, intervals or particular statistical distributions. Clustering can therefore be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. The appropriate clustering algorithm and parameter settings (including parameters such as the distance function to use, a density threshold or the number of expected clusters) depend on the individual data set and intended use of the results. Cluster analysis as such is not an automatic task, but an iterative process of knowledge discovery or interactive multi-objective optimization that involves trial and failure. It is often necessary to modify data preprocessing and model parameters until the result achieves the desired properties.

Table of Contents

  1. Data Preparation

  2. Model Selection

  3. Data Results

Data Preparation

After installing it, the first step is to run the Geochemistry Pi framework in your terminal application. In this section, we take the built-in dataset as an example by running:

geochemistrypi data-mining

Alternatively, it is perfectly fine if you would like to use your own dataset like:

geochemistrypi data-mining --data your_own_data_set.xlsx

You can choose the appropriate option based on the program’s prompts and press the Enter key to select the default option (inside the parentheses).

Welcome to Geochemistry π!
No Training Data File Provided!
Built-in Data Loading.
No Application Data File Provided!
Built-in Application Data Loading.
Downloading Basemap...
Successfully downloading!
Download happens only once!
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

✨ Press Ctrl + C to exit our software at any time.
✨ Input Template [Option1/Option2] (Default Value): Input Value
✨ Use Previous Experiment [y/n] (n): >Enter
✨ New Experiment (GeoPi - Rock Classification): GeoPi - Rock Clustering
✨ Run Name (XGBoost Algorithm - Test 1):>Enter
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

After pressing the Enter key, the program propts the following options to let you choose the Built-in Training Data:

-*-*- Built-in Training Data Option-*-*-
1 - Data For Regression
2 - Data For Classification
3 - Data For Clustering
4 - Data For Dimensional Reduction
(User) ➜ @Number:3

Here, we choose 3 - Data For Clustering and press the Enter key to move forward.

Now, you should see the output below on your screen:

Successfully loading the built-in training data set 'Data_Clustering.xlsx'.
Index - Column Name
3 - Label
4 - Notes
41 - YB(PPM)
42 - LU(PPM)
43 - HF(PPM)
44 - TA(PPM)
45 - PB(PPM)
46 - TH(PPM)
47 - U(PPM)
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

We hit Enter key to keep moving.

Then, we choose 2 - Data For Clustering as our Built-in Application Data:

-*-*- Built-in Application Data Option-*-*-

1 - Data For Regression

2 - Data For Classification

3 - Data For Clustering

4 - Data For Dimensional Reduction

(User) ➜ @Number: 3

After this, the program will display a list for Column Name:

Successfully loading the built-in inference data set
Index - Column Name
3 - Label
4 - Notes
7 - Unnamed: 6
8 - SIO2(WT%)
9 - TIO2(WT%)
10 - AL2O3(WT%)
11 - CR2O3(WT%)
12 - FEOT(WT%)
13 - CAO(WT%)
14 - MGO(WT%)
15 - MNO(WT%)
16 - NA2O(WT%)
17 - Unnamed: 16
18 - SC(PPM)
19 - TI(PPM)
20 - V(PPM)
21 - CR(PPM)
22 - NI(PPM)
23 - RB(PPM)
24 - SR(PPM)
25 - Y(PPM)
26 - ZR(PPM)
27 - NB(PPM)
28 - BA(PPM)
29 - LA(PPM)
30 - CE(PPM)
31 - PR(PPM)
32 - ND(PPM)
33 - SM(PPM)
34 - EU(PPM)
35 - GD(PPM)
36 - TB(PPM)
37 - DY(PPM)
38 - HO(PPM)
39 - ER(PPM)
40 - TM(PPM)
41 - YB(PPM)
42 - LU(PPM)
43 - HF(PPM)
44 - TA(PPM)
45 - PB(PPM)
46 - TH(PPM)
47 - U(PPM)
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

After pressing the Enter key, you can choose whether you need a world map projection for a specific element option:

-*-*- World Map Projection -*-*-
World Map Projection for A Specific Element Option:
1 - Yes
2 - No
(Plot) ➜ @Number:

More information of the map projection can be found in the section of World Map Projection. In this tutorial, we skip it by typing 2 and pressing the Enter key.

Data Selection

And, we include column 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (i.e. [8, 13]) in our example.

-*-*- Data Selection -*-*-
Index - Column Name
3 - Label
4 - Notes
7 - Unnamed: 6
8 - SIO2(WT%)
9 - TIO2(WT%)
10 - AL2O3(WT%)
11 - CR2O3(WT%)
12 - FEOT(WT%)
13 - CAO(WT%)
47 - U(PPM)
Select the data range you want to process.
Input format:
Format 1: "[**, **]; **; [**, **]", such as "[1, 3]; 7; [10, 13]" --> you want to deal with the columns 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13
Format 2: "xx", such as "7" --> you want to deal with the columns 7
@input: [8,13]

Have a double-check on your selection and press Enter to move forward:

Index - Column Name
8 - SIO2(WT%)
9 - TIO2(WT%)
10 - AL2O3(WT%)
11 - CR2O3(WT%)
12 - FEOT(WT%)
13 - CAO(WT%)
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

The Selected Data Set:
  SIO2(WT%)  TIO2(WT%)  AL2O3(WT%)  CR2O3(WT%)  FEOT(WT%)   CAO(WT%)
0     53.640000   0.400000    0.140000    0.695000  11.130000  20.240000
1     52.740000   0.386000    0.060000    0.695000  12.140000  20.480000
2     51.710000   0.730000    2.930000    0.380000   6.850000  22.420000
3     50.870000   0.780000    2.870000    0.640000   7.530000  22.450000
4     50.920000   0.710000    2.900000    0.300000   6.930000  22.620000
...         ...        ...         ...         ...        ...        ...
2006  52.628866   0.409385    5.612482    0.606707   2.202400  21.172240
2007  52.535656   0.422012    5.384972    1.278862   2.093113  21.150105
2008  52.163411   0.665545    4.965511    0.667931   2.202465  21.600643
2009  44.940000   3.930000    8.110000    0.280000   6.910000  22.520000
2010  46.750000   3.360000    6.640000    0.000000   7.550000  22.540000

[2011 rows x 6 columns]
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

Now, you should see

-*-*- Basic Statistical Information -*-*-
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2011 entries, 0 to 2010
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------      --------------  -----
 0   SIO2(WT%)   2011 non-null   float64
 1   TIO2(WT%)   2011 non-null   float64
 2   AL2O3(WT%)  2011 non-null   float64
 3   CR2O3(WT%)  2011 non-null   float64
 4   FEOT(WT%)   2011 non-null   float64
 5   CAO(WT%)    2011 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(6)
memory usage: 94.4 KB
Some basic statistic information of the designated data set:
         SIO2(WT%)    TIO2(WT%)   AL2O3(WT%)   CR2O3(WT%)    FEOT(WT%)     CAO(WT%)
count  2011.000000  2011.000000  2011.000000  2011.000000  2011.000000  2011.000000
mean     52.110416     0.411454     4.627858     0.756601     3.215889    21.442025
std       2.112777     0.437279     2.268114     0.581543     1.496576     2.325046
min       0.218000     0.000000     0.010000     0.000000     1.281000     0.097000
25%      51.350271     0.166500     3.531000     0.490500     2.535429    20.532909
50%      52.200000     0.320000     4.923000     0.695000     2.920000    21.600000
75%      52.980000     0.512043     5.921734     0.912950     3.334500    22.421935
max      56.301066     6.970000    48.223000    15.421000    18.270000    26.090000
Successfully calculate the pair-wise correlation coefficient among the selected
Successfully store 'Data Selected' in 'Data Selected.xlsx' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\GeoPi - Rock Clustering\XGBoost Algorithm - Test 1\artifacts\data.
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

You should now see a lot of output on your screen, but don’t panic.

This output just documents the successful execution of tasks such as calculating correlations, drawing distribution plots, and saving generated charts and data files.

Now, let’s press the Enter key to proceed.

-*-*- Missing Value Check -*-*-
Check which column has null values:
SIO2(WT%)     False
TIO2(WT%)     False
AL2O3(WT%)    False
CR2O3(WT%)    False
FEOT(WT%)     False
CAO(WT%)      False
dtype: bool
The ratio of the null values in each column:
SIO2(WT%)     0.0
TIO2(WT%)     0.0
AL2O3(WT%)    0.0
CR2O3(WT%)    0.0
FEOT(WT%)     0.0
CAO(WT%)      0.0
dtype: float64
Note: The provided data set is complete without missing values, we'll just pass this
Successfully store 'Data Selected Dropped-Imputed' in 'Data Selected
Dropped-Imputed.xlsx' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\GeoPi - Rock Clustering\XGBoost
Algorithm - Test 1\artifacts\data.
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

According to the note, the dataset is complete without missing values, we’ll just pass this step!

Feature Engineering

The next step is to select your feature engineering options, for simplicity, we omit the specific operations here. For detailed instructions, please see the document “Decomposition”.

-*-*- Feature Engineering -*-*-
The Selected Data Set:
Index - Column Name
1 - SIO2(WT%)
2 - TIO2(WT%)
3 - AL2O3(WT%)
4 - CR2O3(WT%)
5 - FEOT(WT%)
6 - CAO(WT%)
Feature Engineering Option:
1 - Yes
2 - No
(Data) ➜ @Number:2

> Enter

Successfully store 'Data Selected Dropped-Imputed Feature-Engineering' in 'Data
Selected Dropped-Imputed Feature-Engineering.xlsx' in
C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\GeoPi - Rock Clustering\XGBoost Algorithm - Test
(Press Enter key to move forward.)

Model Selection

This version of geochemistrypi provide 2 clustering models: Kmeans and DBSCN. Both of them are popular algorithms used for clustering problems. Here we use Kmeans as an example.

-*-*- Model Selection -*-*-:
1 - KMeans
3 - Agglomerative
4 - All models above to be trained
Which model do you want to apply?(Enter the Corresponding Number)
(Model) ➜ @Number: 1

Hyper-Parameters Specification

Before starting the training process, you have to specify the number of clusters for our kmeans model:

-*-*- Hyper-parameters Specification -*-*-
N Clusters Number: The number of clusters to form as well as the number of centroids to generate.
Please specify the number of clusters for KMeans. A good starting range could be between 2 and 10, such as 4.
(Model) ➜ N Clusters: 5

Then,choose the method for initialization of centroids. Here, we choose method 1.

Init: Method for initialization of centroids. The centroids represent the center points of the clusters in the dataset.
Please specify the method for initialization of centroids. It is generally recommended to leave it as 'k-means++'.
1 - k-means++
2 - random
(Model) ➜ @Number:1

The max_iter parameter in the K-means algorithm represents the maximum number of iterations. This parameter specifies the number of attempts the algorithm will make to cluster the data points before stopping, even if the clustering has not yet converged. Initially, a relatively small value can be chosen, and then gradually increased until the desired convergence criteria are met.

Max Iter: Maximum number of iterations of the k-means algorithm for a single run.
Please specify the maximum number of iterations of the k-means algorithm for a single run. A good starting range could
be between 100 and 500, such as 300.
(Model) ➜ Max Iter:300

Setting the tolerance value in clustering algorithms is to specify the precision or error range required for the algorithm to converge.

Tolerance: Relative tolerance with regards to inertia to declare convergence.
Please specify the relative tolerance with regards to inertia to declare convergence. A good starting range could be
between 0.0001 and 0.001, such as 0.0005.
(Model) ➜ Tolerance:0.0005

Then, we need to choose algorithm. Here, we use auto.

Algorithm: The algorithm to use for the computation.
Please specify the algorithm to use for the computation. It is generally recommended to leave it as 'auto'.
Auto: selects 'elkan' for dense data and 'full' for sparse data. 'elkan' is generally faster on data with lower
dimensionality, while 'full' is faster on data with higher dimensionality
1 - auto
2 - full
3 - elkan
(Model) ➜ @Number:1

(Press Enter key to move forward.)
> Enter

Then you can start to run the kmeans model with your dataset.

Data Results

The clustering reuslt will bu printed and saved to the output/data directory.

*-**-* KMeans is running ... *-**-*
Expected Functionality:
+  Cluster Centers
+  Cluster Labels
+  Model Persistence
+  KMeans Score
-----* Clustering Centers *-----
[[5.41388401e+01 2.15829364e-01 1.29914717e+00 4.67482921e-01
  3.19637435e+00 2.35938062e+01]
 [5.22315058e+01 3.33761788e-01 4.56573367e+00 8.00137780e-01
  3.03767947e+00 2.14858778e+01]
 [4.47251667e+01 5.05000000e-02 1.58216667e+00 9.81666667e-02
  9.22933333e+00 4.75750000e-01]
 [5.08836094e+01 6.82282120e-01 6.77641282e+00 8.42755279e-01
  3.40927321e+00 2.05098654e+01]
 [2.18000000e-01 1.63000000e-01 4.82230000e+01 1.54210000e+01
  1.54690000e+01 1.09000000e-01]]
-----* Clustering Labels *-----
      clustering result
0                     0
1                     0
2                     1
3                     1
4                     1
...                 ...
2006                  1
2007                  1
2008                  1
2009                  3
2010                  3

[2011 rows x 1 columns]
Successfully store 'KMeans Result' in 'KMeans Result.xlsx' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\n\test2\artifacts\data.
Successfully store 'Hyper Parameters - KMeans' in 'Hyper Parameters - KMeans.txt' in
-----* Model Score *-----
silhouette_score:  0.30630378777495465
calinski_harabasz_score: 924.9161281178593
Successfully store 'Model Score - KMeans' in 'Model Score - KMeans.txt' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\n\test2\metrics.

2 dimensions graphs of data

choose two demensions of data to draw the plot.

-----* 2 Dimensions Data Selection *-----
The software is going to draw related 2d graphs.
Currently, the data dimension is beyond 2 dimensions.
Please choose 2 dimensions of the data below.
1 - SIO2(WT%)
2 - TIO2(WT%)
3 - AL2O3(WT%)
4 - CR2O3(WT%)
5 - FEOT(WT%)
6 - CAO(WT%)
Choose dimension - 1 data:
(Plot) ➜ @Number:1
1 - SIO2(WT%)
2 - TIO2(WT%)
3 - AL2O3(WT%)
4 - CR2O3(WT%)
5 - FEOT(WT%)
6 - CAO(WT%)
Choose dimension - 2 data:
(Plot) ➜ @Number:2
The Selected Data Dimension:
Index - Column Name
1 - SIO2(WT%)
2 - TIO2(WT%)
-----* Clustering Centers *-----
[[5.41388401e+01 2.15829364e-01 1.29914717e+00 4.67482921e-01
  3.19637435e+00 2.35938062e+01]
 [5.22315058e+01 3.33761788e-01 4.56573367e+00 8.00137780e-01
  3.03767947e+00 2.14858778e+01]
 [4.47251667e+01 5.05000000e-02 1.58216667e+00 9.81666667e-02
  9.22933333e+00 4.75750000e-01]
 [5.08836094e+01 6.82282120e-01 6.77641282e+00 8.42755279e-01
  3.40927321e+00 2.05098654e+01]
 [2.18000000e-01 1.63000000e-01 4.82230000e+01 1.54210000e+01
  1.54690000e+01 1.09000000e-01]]
-----* Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram *-----
Save figure 'Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans' in
Successfully store 'Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans' in 'Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans.xlsx' in

3 dimensions graphs of data

choose three columns of data to draw the plot.

-----* 3 Dimensions Data Selection *-----
The software is going to draw related 3d graphs.
Currently, the data dimension is beyond 3 dimensions.
Please choose 3 dimensions of the data below.
1 - SIO2(WT%)
2 - TIO2(WT%)
3 - AL2O3(WT%)
4 - CR2O3(WT%)
5 - FEOT(WT%)
6 - CAO(WT%)
Choose dimension - 1 data:
(Plot) ➜ @Number: 2
1 - SIO2(WT%)
2 - TIO2(WT%)
3 - AL2O3(WT%)
4 - CR2O3(WT%)
5 - FEOT(WT%)
6 - CAO(WT%)
Choose dimension - 2 data:
(Plot) ➜ @Number: 3
1 - SIO2(WT%)
2 - TIO2(WT%)
3 - AL2O3(WT%)
4 - CR2O3(WT%)
5 - FEOT(WT%)
6 - CAO(WT%)
Choose dimension - 3 data:
(Plot) ➜ @Number: 4
The Selected Data Dimension:
Index - Column Name
1 - TIO2(WT%)
2 - AL2O3(WT%)
3 - CR2O3(WT%)
-----* Cluster Three-Dimensional Diagram *-----
Save figure 'Cluster Three-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans' in
Successfully store 'Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans' in 'Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans.xlsx' in
-----* Clustering Centers *-----
[[5.41388401e+01 2.15829364e-01 1.29914717e+00 4.67482921e-01
  3.19637435e+00 2.35938062e+01]
 [5.22315058e+01 3.33761788e-01 4.56573367e+00 8.00137780e-01
  3.03767947e+00 2.14858778e+01]
 [4.47251667e+01 5.05000000e-02 1.58216667e+00 9.81666667e-02
  9.22933333e+00 4.75750000e-01]
 [5.08836094e+01 6.82282120e-01 6.77641282e+00 8.42755279e-01
  3.40927321e+00 2.05098654e+01]
 [2.18000000e-01 1.63000000e-01 4.82230000e+01 1.54210000e+01
  1.54690000e+01 1.09000000e-01]]
-----* Silhouette Diagram *-----
For n_clusters = 5 The average silhouette_score is : 0.30630378777495465
Save figure 'Silhouette Diagram - KMeans' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\n\test2\artifacts\image\model_output.
Successfully store 'Silhouette Diagram - Data With Labels' in 'Silhouette Diagram - Data With Labels.xlsx' in
Successfully store 'Silhouette Diagram - Cluster Centers' in 'Silhouette Diagram - Cluster Centers.xlsx' in
-----* Silhouette value Diagram *-----
Save figure 'Silhouette value Diagram - KMeans' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\n\test2\artifacts\image\model_output.
Successfully store 'Silhouette value Diagram - Data With Labels' in 'Silhouette value Diagram - Data With Labels.xlsx'
in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\n\test2\artifacts\image\model_output.
-----* KMeans Inertia Scores *-----
Inertia Score:  12567.410753356708
Successfully store 'KMeans Inertia Scores - KMeans' in 'KMeans Inertia Scores - KMeans.txt' in
-----* Model Persistence *-----
Successfully store 'KMeans' in 'KMeans.pkl' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\n\test2\artifacts\model.
Successfully store 'KMeans' in 'KMeans.joblib' in C:\Users\YSQ\geopi_output\n\test2\artifacts\model.
(Press Enter key to move forward.)
-*-*- Transform Pipeline Construction -*-*-
Build the transform pipeline according to the previous operations.
Successfully store 'Transform Pipeline Configuration' in 'Transform Pipeline Configuration.txt' in
(Press Enter key to move forward.)
> Enter
Silhouette Diagram - KMeans

Figure 1 Silhouette Diagram - KMeans

Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans

Figure 2 Cluster Two-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans

Cluster Three-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans.png

Figure 3 Cluster Three-Dimensional Diagram - KMeans

The final trained Kmeans models will be saved in the output/trained_models directory.